Lecture Weeks
Complementing the Graduate Academy’s course program, the Research School of Advanced Photon Science conducts annual Lecture Weeks on various topics. These events are hosted in collaboration with our partner HGS-HIRe.
The 11th Joint Lecture Week of RS-APS and HGS-HIRe "Machine Learning from scratch" is planned for November 25th-28th 2024 in Jena.
Previous Installments
2023, University Jena: APPA - FAIR Phase-Zero
2021, Online Event: Novel Applications triggered by Modern Laser Technologies
2020, Online Event: The Prospects of Cryogenic Detectors and Superconducting Electronics: from Fundamental Research to Applications
2019, Kloster Hardehausen: Imaging Techniques from the Optical to the X-Ray Regime
2018, Bildungsstätte Hütten: Interface between Atomic- and Nuclear Physics
2017, Seminarhaus Lieb’Lommerke: Laser-Particle Acceleration for Basic Research and Ion Therapy
2016, Haus Ebersberg: Innovative detectors for photons and particles
2015, Haus Ebersberg: (Laser) Spectroscopy of Stored and Trapped Ions
2014, Schloss Buchenau: X-ray spectroscopy as diagnostic tool in atomic and plasma physics
2013, Schloss Ulrichshusen: The physics of ultrashort laser pulses and laser matter interactions

Research School RS-APS