I. Tamer,
S. Keppler,
J. Körner,
M. Hornung,
M. Hellwing,
F. Schorcht,
J. Hein,
and M. Kaluza
Modeling of the 3D spatio-temporal thermal profile of joule-class Yb³⁺-based laser amplifiers
HPLaser, 7 :E42 (July 2019)
Modeling of the 3D spatio-temporal thermal profile of joule-class Yb³⁺-based laser amplifiers
HPLaser, 7 :E42 (July 2019)
Thermal profile modification of an active material in a laser amplifier via optical pumping results in a change in the material’s refractive index, and causes thermal expansion and stress, eventually leading to spatial phase aberrations, or even permanent material damage. For this purpose, knowledge of the 3D spatio-temporal thermal profile, which can currently only be retrieved via numerical simulations, is critical for joule-class laser amplifiers to reveal potentially dangerous thermal features within the pumped active materials. In this investigation, a detailed, spatio-temporal numerical simulation was constructed and tested for accuracy against surface thermal measurements of various end-pumped Yb³⁺-doped laser-active materials. The measurements and simulations show an excellent agreement and the model was successfully applied to a joule-class Yb³⁺-based amplifier currently operating in the POLARIS laser system at the Friedrich-Schiller-University and Helmholtz-Institute Jena in Germany.