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P. H. Mokler, S. Reusch, and T. Stöhlker
Heavy-Ion Beam Tailoring Using Dielectronic Recombination
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 278 :93 (May 1989)
For non-naked highly-charged heavy ions, dielectronic recombination (DR) can be the dominant electron capture process. Depending on the kind of a DR resonance involved, cross sections may reach values up to 10^2-18 cm^2 at the peak maximum. The widths of the DR resonances are typically <1 eV. Tuning a merged electron beam with an internal temperature typically - 0.1 eV to the DR resonance, a well defined narrow part can be cut out of the original "hot" primary ion beam by this charge-exchange process. The charge-changed new beam is pretty "cool" (DE/E=10^-5). Acase study for Ge^31+ +e=Ge^30+** (2P^2^1D_2) is given. Technical applications of DR beam tailoring techniques at heavy-ion storage rings will be discussed.
P. H. Mokler, S. Reusch, T. Stöhlker, R. Schuch, M. Schulz, G. Wintermeyer, Z. Stachura, A. Warczak, A. Müller, Y. Awaya, and T. Kambara
Resonant Transfer and Excitation in Swift, Heavy Few-Electron Projectiles
Rad. Eff. Def. Solids, 110 :39 (January 1989)