- Titel
- RS-APS-Seminar
- Beschreibung
When it comes to the investigation of laser-generated plasmas, the energy and polarization properties of the emitted x-ray radiation provide insights of considerable interest. However, at energies exceeding about 15 keV, conventional silicon CCDs lack detection efficiency. On the other hand, large-volume germanium or scintillator systems, though capable of detecting energetic photons, possess but a low granularity, such that single-photon detection is almost impossible under the high-flux conditions that are regularly encountered in these environments.
An attractive solution is offered in the form of the Timepix readout chip, which, when coupled with a high-Z detector material such as cadmium telluride, provides small segments of sub-millimeter size while ensuring sufficient detection efficiency even for photons of 100s of keV energy.
The talk will give an introduction to the Timepix chip, summarize the intricacies of its calibration, and present first results obtained with a two-detector polarimetry setup.
- Ort
- Seminarraum HI-Jena, Fröbelstieg 3
- Datum (Start der Veranstaltung)
- 29.10. – 29.10.2014