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Newsletter December 2023

Dear colleagues and friends of the HI-Jena,

we are glad to provide you with the December 2023 issue of the newsletter of the Helmholtz Institute Jena.
Below you find informations and news about recent activities of our institute.

We would like to this opportunity to thank you for all your contributions and efforts making 2023 another very successfull year for our institute.
We wish you and your families Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year 2024 and a relaxing Christmas break!

Kind Regards,
Helmholtz Institute Jena

New technique paves way for imaging individual molecules

Pioneering experiment exploits quantum properties of X-ray light

An international research team involving Prof. Ralf Röhlsberger of the Helmholtz Institute Jena has succeeded for the first time in using X-rays for an imaging technique that exploits a particular quantum property of light. As the researchers describe in their work just published in the journal Physical Review Letters [1], this technique could enable imaging of non-crystallized macromolecules; see also the Physics Viewpoint [2].

The research team, led by Henry Chapman, leading scientist at DESY and professor at Universität Hamburg, used very intense X-ray pulses from the X-ray free-electron laser European XFEL to generate fluorescence photons that arrived almost simultaneously at the detector – within a time window shorter than a femtosecond (a quadrillionth of a second). By computing photon-photon correlations of the X-ray fluorescence emitted by the illuminated copper atoms, images of the emission could be obtained.

The structures of materials and macromolecules are usually determined at the atomic scale using X-ray crystallography. While that technique relies on coherent X-ray scattering, incoherent processes like fluorescence emission can dominate even though they do not usefully contribute to the diffraction measurement. Instead, they add a featureless fog or background to the measured data.

But already in the 1950s, two British astronomers demonstrated that it is indeed possible to extract structural information from such light emitted by self-luminous sources – in their case from stars. The method of Robert Hanbury Brown and Richard Twiss – called intensity interferometry – opened a new door into the understanding of light and started the field of quantum optics.

Recently, scientists from the University of Erlangen, the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter and DESY proposed that intensity interferometry could be adapted for atomic-resolution imaging using X-ray fluorescence. The challenge in extending this idea to X-rays is that the coherence time of the photons, which dictates the time interval available to perform photon-photon correlations, is extremely brief. It is set by the radiative decay time of the excited atom, which for copper atoms is about 0.6 femtoseconds.

Now the group, together with scientists from Uppsala University and the European XFEL have overcome that challenge by using femtosecond-duration XFEL pulses from that facility to initiate X-ray fluorescence photons within the coherence time. They generated a source consisting of two fluorescing spots in a foil of copper and measured the fluorescence on a million-pixel detector placed eight metres away. “For this pioneering experiment we collected over three petabytes of data, the largest ever for an experiment at the European XFEL,” explains main author Fabian Trost from the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) at DESY. “However, since the signal scales with the square of intensity, we see that it should be possible to reduce this substantially in our future experiments.”

Only about 5000 photons were detected on each illumination pulse, and the cumulative sum over 58 million shots gave just a featureless uniform distribution. However, when they instead summed photon-photon correlations, a fringe pattern emerged, similar to the famous double-slit experiment. This fringe pattern is the smoking gun that indicates interference of separate X-ray photons. The fringe pattern was then analyzed as if from a coherent wave field to reconstruct an image of the fluorescent source, consisting of two well-separated spots.

“Although the idea of interference of independent waves within the coherence time can be understood classically and can be noticed in the interference of radio stations for example, with X-rays we are very much dealing with high energy quanta”, says Chapman, who is a researcher at the Cluster of Excellence CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter. “Each fluorescence photon is born within a single atom, and these photons are then located at specific pixels of our detector. However, these photons carry hidden information that is only revealed when their higher-order photon-photon correlations are examined.”

The scientists now hope to combine this novel method with diffraction to image single molecules. The fluorescence will provide sub-structures specific to particular atoms and even particular chemical states of those atoms, which may help unravel the functioning of important enzymes such as involved in photosynthesis.

[1] Fabian Trost, Kartik Ayyer, Mauro Prasciolu, Holger Fleckenstein, Miriam Barthelmess, Oleksandr Yefanov, J. Lukas Dresselhaus, Chufeng Li, Saša Bajt, Jerome Carnis, Tamme Wollweber, Abhishek Mall, Zhou Shen, Yulong Zhuang, Stefan Richter, Sebastian Karl, Sebastian Cardoch, Kajwal Kumar Patra, Johannes Möller, Alexey Zozulya, Roman Shayduk, Wei Lu, Felix Brauße, Bertram Friedrich, Ulrike Boesenberg, Ilia Petrov, Sergey Tomin, Marc Guetg, Anders Madsen, Nicusor Timneanu, Carl Caleman, Ralf Röhlsberger, Joachim Zanthier, and Henry N. Chapman, "Imaging via Correlation of X-Ray Fluorescence Photons," Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 173201 (2023).
[2] Physics Viewpoint:  Bringing Interferometric Imaging into the X-Ray Regime (2023).

News and Announcements

Milestone for novel atomic clock: X-ray laser shows possible route to substantially increased precision time measurement

An international research team has taken a decisive step toward a new generation of atomic clocks. At the European XFEL X-ray laser, the researchers have created a much…
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HI Jena participated in the Week of Particle Physics

From November 6th to 12th, the "Week of the Particle World" took place throughout Germany, which was organized by the BMBF funded “Netzwerk Teilchenwelt”. The Helmholtz…
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Award for high-resolution microscopy method

Beutenberg-Campus Jena e. V. science prize goes to team from university and Leibniz-HKI An interdisciplinary collaboration between several research institutes was…
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Public Lecture by Prof. Gerhard G. Paulus on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023

Within the series of public Saturday lectures at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Professor Gerhard G. Paulus on November 5,…
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EMMI Collaboration Meeting @ HI Jena

Towards a Vacuum Birefringence Experiment at the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields

From October, 26-28th 2023 a first in-person meeting of the nascent VacuumBirefringence@HIBEF Collaboration involving experimentalists and theorists from institutes and
universities which are members and partners of the International User Consortium of the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF) took place at the HI Jena. This event was funded by the ExtreMe Matter Institute (EMMI) in the framework of an EMMI Collaboration Meeting. The goal of this successful EMMI Collaboration Meeting was to reach agreement on the most promising experimental setup and to work out a roadmap towards the first detection of the nonlinear QED signature of vacuum birefringence in a concerted effort of theory and experiment. For further information, see also the workshop website:

Upcoming events

30.06. – 04.07.2025 15th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP2025) Innsbruck, AT
29.07. – 05.08.2025 34th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC2025) Sapporo, JP
15.09. – 18.09.2025 22nd SPARC Topical Workshop University of Ioannina, Griechenland

Recently finished theses

Recent publications

Schmelz M, Shvab V, Peiselt K, Kunert J, Zakosarenko V, Stöhlker T, Oelsner G, Stolz R. Highly Sensitive DC SQUID Arrays for the Readout of Optical TES at mK Temperatures. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2025 May; 35(3):1 - 4.      [DOI]      [File] 
Hikosaka Y, Fritzsche S. Amplified Collective Auger Decay of Double Inner-Shell Vacancy in Xe. Physical review letters. 2025 Mar.; 134(10):103001.      [DOI]      [File] 
Huang H, Yuan Y, Hosea N, Si R, Fritzsche S. Dielectronic and tri-electronic recombination strengths of low-lying resonances and plasma rate coefficients for beryllium-like argon ions. The European physical journal / D. 2025 Mar.; 79(3):18.      [DOI]      [File] 
Chakma R, Fritzsche S, Hauschild K, Lopez-Martens A. Geant4 atomic relaxation data for transfermium nuclei (Z = 101–104). Nuclear instruments $&$ methods in physics research / Section A. 2025 Mar.; 1072170144 -.      [DOI]      [File] 
Cheung C, Kozlov MG, Porsev SG, Safronova MS, Tupitsyn II, Bondarev AI. pCI: A parallel configuration interaction software package for high-precision atomic structure calculations. Computer physics communications. 2025 Mar.; 308109463 -.      [DOI]      [File] 
Ahmadiniaz N, Bähtz C, Benediktovitch A, Bömer C, Bocklage L, Cowan TE, Edwards J, Evans S, Franchino Viñas S, Gies H, Göde S, Görs J, Grenzer J, Hernandez Acosta U, Heinzl T, Hilz P, Hippler W, Huang LG, Humphries O, Karbstein F, Khademi P, King B, Kluge T, Kohlfürst C, Krebs D, Laso-García A, Lötzsch R, Macleod AJ, Marx-Glowna B, Mosman EA, Nakatsutsumi M, Paulus GG, Rahul SV, Randolph L, Röhlsberger R, Rohringer N, Sävert A, Sadashivaiah S, Sauerbrey R, Schlenviogt H-, Schmidt SM, Schramm U, Schützhold R, Schwinkendorf J-, Seipt D, Šmíd M, Stöhlker T, Toncian T, Valialshchikov M, Wipf A, Zastrau U, Zepf M. Towards a vacuum birefringence experiment at the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (Letter of Intent of the BIREF@HIBEF Collaboration). High power laser science and engineering. 2025 Mar.; 13e7.      [DOI]      [File] 
Fitzgarrald R, Cardarelli JA, Campbell PT, Fourmaux S, Balcazar MD, Antoine AF, Beier NF, Qian Q, Hussein AE, Kettle B, Klein SR, Krushelnick K, Li YF, Mangles SPD, Sarri G, Seipt D, Senthilkumaran V, Streeter MJV, Thomas AGR, Ma Y. Angularly resolved spectral reconstruction of x rays via filter pack attenuation. Review of scientific instruments. 2025 Feb.; 96(2):023103.      [DOI]      [File] 
Schönberg A, Rajhans S, Escoto E, Khodakovskiy N, Hariton V, Farace B, Põder K, Raab A, Westerberg S, Merdanov M, Viotti A, Arnold CL, Leemans WP, Hartl I, Heyl C. Compact, folded multi-pass cells for energy scaling of post-compression. Photonics research. 2025 Feb.; 13(3):761 -.      [DOI]      [File] 
Ramakrishna S, Fritzsche S. Interaction Between Atoms and Structured Light Fields. Atoms. 2025 Feb.; 13(2):20 -.      [DOI]      [File] 
Travnikova O, Trinter F, Agåker M, Visentin G, Andersson J, Kjellsson L, Ismail I, Velasquez N, Koulentianos D, Harder M, Yin Z, Söderström J, Marchenko T, Guillemin R, McGinnis OD, Ågren H, Fritzsche S, Simon M, Rubensson J, Nordgren J. Neutral Sulfur Atom Formation in Decay of Deep Core Holes in SF 6. Physical review letters. 2025 Feb.; 134(6):063003.      [DOI]      [File] 
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