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Dear colleagues and friends of the HI-Jena,

we are glad to provide you with the March 2023 issue of the newsletter of the Helmholtz Institute Jena.
Below you find informations and news about recent activities of our institute.

Kind Regards,
Helmholtz Institute Jena

New Regimes of Nuclear Resonance Excitation: First Experiments at the European XFEL

Ralf Röhlsberger for the MCLS* collaboration and for the 45Sc collaboration

The nuclear resonances of Mössbauer isotopes provide extremely narrow energy references for high-resolution spectroscopy. This qualifies them for applications in condensed matter physics as well as for studies in fundamental physics and extreme metrology. Since the pioneering experiment by E. Gerdau et al. [1] at the storage ring DORIS (DESY, Hamburg), the technique of nuclear resonance scattering has found widespread applications at hard X-ray synchrotron radiation sources worldwide. Its implementation and use at hard X-ray laser sources started with one experiment performed at SACLA in Japan reported so far [2].

In 2022 we could perform the first experiments on nuclear resonance scattering at the European XFEL. One study was conducted at the 14.4 keV resonance of 57Fe aiming at applications in x-ray quantum optics in a collaboration with researchers from Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, the Max Planck Institute of Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, the University of Freiburg and DESY. The other experiment, initiated by researchers from Argonne National Laboratory and Texas A&M University in College Station, USA, succeeded to achieve the first photonic excitation of the ultranarrow 12.4 keV resonance of 45Sc for future applications in extreme metrology.

Employing the 14.4 keV nuclear resonance of 57Fe we aimed at the realization of multiphoton excitation in forward scattering from an ensemble of Mössbauer nuclei. Due to the radiative coupling between the nuclei in the ensemble, an enhanced decay rate (superradiance, SR) and collective energy shifts (collective Lamb shift, CLS) appear as characteristic signatures in the scattered light. So far, SR and CLS have been extensively studied in the single-photon excitation regime at synchrotrons. Here we were aiming to reveal the spectral properties of the nuclear exciton under multiphoton excitation conditions, especially with the goal to determine the CLS as function of the number of photons that resonantly excite the nuclear ensemble. So far, the spectral properties under multiphoton excitation conditions have neither been approached theoretically nor experimentally. Our experiment in 2022 was mainly devoted to reliably detect the nuclear forward scattering signal in the presence of the extremely intense radiation pulses of the European XFEL. To our great surprise, under these conditions a 8 mm thick 57Fe foil appeared to be only 1 mm thick, as illustrated in Fig.1. The microscopic mechanism for this unique behavior is still under investigation.

The 12.4 keV resonance of 45Sc is one of the narrowest nuclear resonances known with a half width of 1.4 femto-eV. In several aspects this isotope is superior to the 8.3 eV 229mTh isomer for extreme metrology applications. The scientific potential of the 45Sc resonance together with the possibility to resonantly excite it by photons from modern accelerator-based hard x-ray sources was identified more than 30 years ago [3]. However, it escaped detection until now, mostly due to the lack of hard x-ray sources with sufficient spectral flux. In this experiment the nuclear resonance of 45Sc was successfully observed by irradiation of a Sc metal foil with 12.4-keV x-ray pulses of sub-millisecond duration and detection of the 4 keV delayed K-fluorescence that followed internal nuclear conversion. The resonance energy, which was known before the experiment to an uncertainty of +/- 50 eV only was determined with sub-eV accuracy. Our results set the stage for further studies of this isotope with promising applications in fundamental physics and extreme metrology.

Both experiments greatly benefitted from the high pulse repetition rate in conjunction with hard x-ray self-seeding (HXRSS) at the respective nuclear resonance energies, providing the spectral flux for efficient nuclear resonance excitation. A unique pulse pattern will be extremely beneficial for future studies at the 45Sc resonance, in particular for the analysis of hyperfine interactions via nuclear forward scattering.


* Multiphoton Collective Lamb Shift
[1] E. Gerdau et al., Nuclear Bragg diffraction of synchrotron radiation in yttrium iron garnet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 835 (1985).
[2] A. I. Chumakov et al., Superradiance of an ensemble of nuclei excited by a free electron laser, Nature Physics 14, 261 (2018).
[3] Yu. V. Shvyd’ko and G. V. Smirnov, On the direct measurement of nuclear resonance parameters of long-lived (>=1s) isomers. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 51, 452 (1990).

News and Announcements

Semiannual Meeting of the HI Jena

We kindly invite you to the Helmholtz Institute Jena semiannual palaver. The detailed agenda can be found here. Zoom link: 670 9407 9947
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Team of the Helmholtz Institute Jena one of the winners at the DIHP Elevator Pitch 2023

Five teams awarded at the Ideas Pitch 2023 at the "Digital Innovation Hub Photonics" (DIHP)  To support start-ups and fresh ideas in the field of optics and photonics:…
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Robert Klas is awarded Hugo Geiger Prize 2023

Dr. Robert Klas, from Helmholtz Institute Jena and Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, has received this year’s “Hugo Geiger Award…
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10th Joint RS-APS & HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on APPA Research at FAIR

At the end of February 2023 the Research School of Advanced Photon Science (RS-APS) of the Helmholtz Institute Jena organized already its 10th edition of its “Joint…
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Upcoming events

Upcoming events


Recently finished theses

Märtin, R.
Röntgenpolarimetrie angewandt zur Untersuchung der Bremsstrahlung spinpolarisierter Elektronen
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität; Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
September 2011
Hahn, C.
Charakterisierung ortsauflösender Halbleiterdetektoren für harte Röntgenstrahlung
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät
September 2011
Reuter, M.
Interferometric Probing of Laser Generated Plasmas for Electron Acceleration
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät
July 2011

Recent publications

Sommerfeldt, J.; Yerokhin, V. A.; Stöhlker, Thomas; Surzhykov, A.
All-Order Coulomb Corrections to Delbrück Scattering above the Pair-Production Threshold
Physical review letters, 131 (6) :061601
Publisher: APS
ISSN: 0031-9007
Steinkopff, Albrecht; Aleshire, Christopher; Klenke, Arno; Jauregui, Cesar; Limpert, Jens
Analysis of optical core-to-core coupling: challenges and opportunities in multicore fiber amplifiers
Optics express, 31 (17) :28564
Publisher: Optica
ISSN: 1094-4087
Middents, W.; Weber, G.; Gumberidze, A.; Hahn, C.; Krings, T.; Kurz, N.; Pfäfflein, P.; Schell, N.; Spillmann, U.; Strnat, S.; Vockert, M.; Volotka, A.; Surzhykov, A.; Stöhlker, T.
Angle-differential cross sections for Rayleigh scattering of highly linearly polarized hard x rays on Au atoms
Physical Review A, 107 :012805
January 2023
Wu, Sizhong; Tian, Z. Q.; Fritzsche, Stephan
Angular distribution of the characteristic line $1s2p\,^3P_2 \rightarrow 1s^2\,^1S_0$ of thallium ions: hyperfine-induced multipole interference
The European physical journal / D, 77 (6) :95
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1434-6060
Gies, Holger; Salek, Abdol Sabor
Asymptotically safe Hilbert–Palatini gravity in an on-shell reduction scheme
The European physical journal / C, 83 (2) :173
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1434-6044
Schönberg, Arthur; Salman, Haydar Sarper; Tajalli, Ayhan; Kumar, Sonu; Hartl, Ingmar; Heyl, Christoph
Below-threshold harmonic generation in gas-jets for Th-229 nuclear spectroscopy
Optics express, 31 (8) :12880
Publisher: Optica
ISSN: 1094-4087
Penagos Molina, Daniel Santiago; Loetgering, Lars; Eschen, Wilhelm; Limpert, Jens; Rothhardt, Jan
Broadband ptychography using curved wavefront illumination
Optics express, 31 (16) :26958
Publisher: Optica
ISSN: 1094-4087
Bondarev, Andrey; Gillanders, J. H.; Cheung, C.; Safronova, M. S.; Fritzsche, S.
Calculations of multipole transitions in Sn II for kilonova analysis
The European physical journal / D, 77 (7) :126
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1434-6060
Bruno, C. G.; Marsh, J. J.; Davinson, T.; Woods, P. J.; Black, P.; Bräuning-Demian, A.; Glorius, Jan; Grant, A.; Hall, O.; Headspith, A.; Hindley, P.; Lazarus, I.; Middleman, K.; Petridis, Nikolaos; Lestinsky, Michael; Litvinov, Yu. A.; Sidhu, R. S.; Stöhlker, Thomas
CARME — The CRYRING Array for Reaction MEasurements
Nuclear instruments $&$ methods in physics research / A, 1048 :168007
Publisher: North-Holland Publ. Co.
ISSN: 0167-5087
Kholaif, Sobhy; Jauregui, Cesar; Tu, Yiming; Limpert, Jens
Characterization of transverse mode instability with a 4-quadrant photodiode
Optics express, 31 (6) :10633
Publisher: Optica
ISSN: 1094-4087
Fritzsche, Stephan; Jiao, Li-Guang; Wang, Yuan-Cheng; Sienkiewicz, Jozef E.
Collision Strengths of Astrophysical Interest for Multiply Charged Ions
Atoms, 11 (5) :80
Publisher: MDPI
ISSN: 2218-2004
An, Yingying; Shen, Xiaozhi; Yuan, Ping; Wu, Zhongwen
Collisional-radiative modeling of the 2p3 l ( l = p,d) spectra of N II and application to lightning
Journal of applied physics, 133 (17) :173301
Publisher: American Inst. of Physics
ISSN: 0021-8979
Benner, Maximilian; Karst, Maximilian; Amaya Mendez, Cristina; Stark, Henning; Limpert, Jens
Concept of enhanced frequency chirping for multi-pass cells to improve the pulse contrast
Journal of the Optical Society of America / B, 40 (2) :301
Publisher: OSA
ISSN: 0740-3224
Minneker, B.; Klas, R.; Rothhardt, J.; Fritzsche, S.
Critical Laser Intensity of Phase-Matched High-Order Harmonic Generation in Noble Gases
Photonics, 10 :1
January 2023
Xu, Lei; Jiao, Li Guang; Liu, Aihua; Wang, Yuan Cheng; Montgomery Jr, Henry E; Ho, Yew Kam; Fritzsche, Stephan
Critical screening parameters of one-electron systems with screened Coulomb potentials: circular Rydberg states
Journal of physics / B, 56 (17) :175002
Publisher: IOP Publ.
ISSN: 0022-3700
Zagidullin, Rishat; Tietze, Stefan; Zepf, Karl Matthäus; Wang, Jingwei; Rykovanov, Sergey
Density-dependent carrier-envelope phase shift in attosecond pulse generation from relativistically oscillating mirrors
Matter and radiation at extremes, 8 (6) :064004
Publisher: AIP Publishing
ISSN: 2468-080X
Silletti, Laura; Wahid, Ammar; Escoto, Esmerando; Balla, Prannay; Rajhans, Supriya; Horn, Katinka; Winkelmann, Lutz; Wanie, Vincent; Trabattoni, Andrea; Heyl, Christoph; Calegari, Francesca
Dispersion-engineered multi-pass cell for single-stage post-compression of an ytterbium laser
Optics letters, 48 (7) :1842
Publisher: Soc.
ISSN: 0146-9592
Zhou, Zhi Ling; Jiao, Li Guang; Liu, Aihua; Wang, Yuan Cheng; Montgomery, Henry E.; Ho, Yew Kam; Fritzsche, Stephan
Effective pressures on the outer-, inner-, and shell-confined hydrogenic atoms
The European physical journal / D, 77 (5) :78
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1434-6060
Xu, Lei; Jiao, Li Guang; Liu, Aihua; Montgomery, Henry E.; Ho, Yew Kam; Fritzsche, Stephan
Energy spectra and asymptotic laws of the radial screened Coulomb potential
Physics letters / A, 483 :129064
Publisher: North-Holland Publ.
ISSN: 0031-9163
Baghdasaryan, Baghdasar; Steinlechner, Fabian; Fritzsche, Stephan
Enhancing the purity of single photons in parametric down-conversion through simultaneous pump-beam and crystal-domain engineering
Physical review / A, 108 (2) :023718
Publisher: APS
ISSN: 2469-9926
Pfäfflein, P.; Weber, G.; Allgeier, S.; Bernitt, S.; Fleischmann, A.; Friedrich, M.; Hahn, C.; Hengstler, D.; Herdrich, M.; Kalinin, A.; Kröger, F.; Kuntz, P.; Lestinsky, M.; Löher, B.; Menz, E.; Spillmann, U.; Zhu, B.; Enss, C.; Stöhlker, T.
Exploitation of the Timing Capabilities of Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters for a Coincidence Measurement Scheme
Atoms, 11 :1
January 2023
Viotti, Anne-Lise; Li, Chen; Arisholm, Gunnar; Winkelmann, Lutz; Hartl, Ingmar; Heyl, Christoph; Seidel, Marcus
Few-cycle pulse generation by double-stage hybrid multi-pass multi-plate nonlinear pulse compression
Optics letters, 48 (4) :984
Publisher: OSA
ISSN: 0146-9592
Aleshire, Christopher; Eichner, Timo; Steinkopff, Albrecht; Klenke, Arno; Jauregui, Cesar; Palmer, Guido; Kuhn, Stefan; Nold, Johannes; Haarlammert, Nicoletta; Leemans, Wim P.; Schreiber, Thomas; Maier, Andreas R.; Limpert, Jens
Frequency-doubled Q-switched 4 × 4 multicore fiber laser system
Optics letters, 48 (8) :2198
Publisher: OSA
ISSN: 0146-9592
Li, Xue Nan; Zhang, Yong Zhi; Jiao, Li Guang; Wang, Yuan Cheng; Montgomery, Henry E.; Ho, Yew Kam; Fritzsche, Stephan
Geometric properties of the ground state of $H^-$ and $He$ in dense quantum plasmas
The European physical journal / D, 77 (6) :96
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1434-6060
Stoyanov, Lyubomir; Stefanov, Aleksander; Dreischuh, Alexander; Paulus, Gerhard G.
Gouy phase of Bessel-Gaussian beams: theory vs. experiment
Optics express, 31 (9) :13683
Publisher: Optica
ISSN: 1094-4087
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