we are glad to provide you with the May 2024 issue of the newsletter of the Helmholtz Institute Jena. Below you find informations and news about recent activities of our institute.
Kind Regards, Helmholtz Institute Jena
HILITE Penning trap passes commissioning
Figure 1: a) Ion signal proportional to the kinetic energy of the centre-of-mass motion of stored ions. The fast decay indicated fast resistive ion cooling. b)Ion distribution in the trap centre reconstructed from the signal of the spatial sensitive ion detector (MCP).
Figure 2: HILITE (High-Intensity Laser Ion-Trap Experiment). The setup consists of a Penning trap with superconducting magnet and an EBIT as ion source.
The interaction of intense laser light with atomic matter was a widely explored field in the 2000s. However, the reaction products were a mixture of different charge states, and the ionization channels could not be distinguished from each other very well. In order to be able to separate the individual ionization events from each other, the HILITE Penning trap was built. It can provide ions of any specific element and charge state as a target. The setup is designed in a transportable fashion to be operated at any laser facility in order to cover a wide range of laser parameters – especially concerning laser intensity and laser wavelength.
Recent developments at the Helmholtz Institute Jena have boosted the performance of the experiment. Ion clouds with several 10,000 ions can be formed in the ion trap. To allow efficient laser experiments with a huge overlap of the laser pulses and the ion cloud, a high ion density is crucial. This is ensured by fast ion cooling to compress the ions to a small volume. The cooling of the ion cloud is done with the well understood and elaborated technique of resistive ion cooling. In recent publications, the team showed fast ion cooling for large ion clouds (see Figure 1a). The fast decay in the beginning is caused by resistive ion cooling where the ions lose 99.99% of their kinetic energy within roughly 50 ms [1]. This will allow for an experiment cycle time of less than 1 second which is comparable of the typical cycle time of a high-power laser. Furthermore, using the uncommon approach of a dual-hot-end resonator, it is possible to disentangle resistive ion cooling from the effect of ion dephasing. This increases the understanding of the processes inside the ion cloud and allows to maximise the harmonicity of the ion trap with a large ion ensemble [2]. After cooling, the FWHM of the ion distribution is found to be 600 µm as depicted in Figure 1b. Consequently, 95% of the stored ions have a distance less than 112 µm from the trap centre [1]. The corresponding ion density is about 10.000 mm-3 which is sufficiently high to ensure a high number of interacting ions in a laser experiment.
Within the next months, the HILITE Penning trap setup will be prepared to be combined with the JETI200 laser, also located at the Helmholtz Institute Jena. In the experiments, ionisation cross sections will be measured for different ion species of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon. The used intensities will be in the relativistic regime. Due to the ionic target, the electric field of the weakest bound electron will be close to the laser’s electric field and the experimental results can be compared with theory which describes tunnel ionisation at relativistic electron energies. In addition, it is foreseen to detect photons in the x-ray regime which are produced in the sense of high-harmonic generation.
In a new cooperation between the Helmholtz Institute Jena, a branch of GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, and Friedrich Schiller University…
Travnikova O,
Trinter F,
Agåker M,
Visentin G,
Andersson J,
Kjellsson L,
Ismail I,
Velasquez N,
Koulentianos D,
Harder M,
Yin Z,
Söderström J,
Marchenko T,
Guillemin R,
McGinnis OD,
Ågren H,
Fritzsche S,
Simon M,
Rubensson J,
Nordgren J.
Neutral Sulfur Atom Formation in Decay of Deep Core Holes in SF 6.
Physical review letters.
2025 Feb.;
Seipt D,
Samuelsson M,
Blackburn T.
Nonlinear Breit–Wheeler pair production using polarized photons from inverse Compton scattering.
Plasma physics and controlled fusion.
2025 Feb.;
67(3):035002 -.
Watt R,
Kettle B,
Gerstmayr E,
King B,
Alejo A,
Astbury S,
Baird C,
Bohlen S,
Campbell M,
Colgan C,
Dannheim D,
Gregory C,
Harsh H,
Hatfield P,
Hinojosa J,
Hollatz D,
Katzir Y,
Morton J,
Murphy CD,
Nurnberg A,
Osterhoff J,
Pérez-Callejo G,
Poder K,
Rajeev PP,
Roedel C,
Roeder F,
Salgado FC,
Samarin GM,
Sarri G,
Seidel A,
Spindloe C,
Steinke S,
Streeter MJV,
Thomas AGR,
Underwood C,
Wu W,
Zepf M,
Rose SJ,
Mangles SPD.
Bounding elastic photon-photon scattering at s ≈ 1 MeV using a laser-plasma platform.
Physics letters / B.
2025 Jan.;
861139247 -.
Alencastro Puls A,
Kuske J,
Hansen CJ,
Lombardo L,
Visentin G,
Arcones Segovia A,
Melo R,
Reichert M,
Bonifacio P,
Caffau E,
Fritzsche S.
Chemical Evolution of R-process Elements in Stars (CERES).
Astronomy and astrophysics.
2025 Jan.;
693A294 -.
Marmier C,
Seegert N,
Karbstein F.
Impact of background field localization on vacuum polarization effects.
Physical review / D.
2025 Jan.;
Gies H,
Schmieden R,
Zambelli L.
Interplay of chiral transitions in the standard model.
The European physical journal / C.
2025 Jan.;
Hofer C,
Bausch D,
Fürst L,
Wei Z,
Högner M,
Butler TP,
Gebhardt M,
Heuermann T,
Gaida C,
Maiti KS,
Huber M,
Fill E,
Limpert J,
Krausz F,
Karpowicz N,
Pupeza I.
Linear field-resolved spectroscopy approaching ultimate detection sensitivity.
Optics express.
2025 Jan.;
33(1):1 -.
Gies H,
Karbstein F,
Maiwald L.
Phase transition analogs in laser collisions with a dark-field setup.
Physical review / D.
2025 Jan.;
Hesselbach P,
Lütgert J,
Bagnoud V,
Belikov R,
Humphries O,
Lindqvist B,
Schaumann G,
Sokolov A,
Tauschwitz A,
Varentsov D,
Weyrich K,
Winkler B,
Yu X,
Zielbauer B,
Kraus D,
Riley D,
Major Z,
Neumayer P.
Platform for laser-driven X-ray diagnostics of heavy-ion heated extreme states of matter.
Matter and radiation at extremes.
2025 Jan.;
Tu Y,
Jauregui C,
Kholaif S,
Limpert J.
Real-time modal decomposition of fiber laser beams using a spatial mode multiplexer.
Optics letters.
2025 Jan.;
50(2):690 -.